Teacher Task Force - UNESCO Global Report

Apr 7, 2024 - 04:52
Apr 7, 2024 - 08:46
 0  14
Teacher Task Force - UNESCO Global Report

Reported by: Teacher Task Force

We are proud to announce that the long-awaited first Teacher Task Force & UNESCO Global Report on Teachers was officially launched on the first day of the 14th hashtagTeacherPolicyForum in Johannesburg, South Africa.

With new data, including on financing, and recommendations to address the critical issue of global teacher shortages, the report serves as a call to action for education actors and policymakers, setting the tone for three days of dialogue in Johannesburg during our flagship event.

Read the report: https://lnkd.in/euDheUbQ

The report was made possible through the generous funding provided by the Hamdan bin Rashed Foundation. Additionally, the donors of the Teacher Task Force contributed to the realization of the report, notably the governments of France, Germany, and Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation.

We would also like to thank for the invaluable contributions of our members, especially: Azerbaijan, Belize, Chile, Egypt, Finland, Indonesia, Jamaica, Lebanon, Maldives, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Surinam, CARICOM: Caribbean Community, the Education Commission, the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET), International Labour Organization, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Save the Children International, SEAMEO Secretariat, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, VVOB, and the World Bank.

Special thanks are due to peer reviewers, including Manos Antoninis from the Global Education Monitoring Report, Quentin Wodon from UNESCO-IICBA, Inés Dussel from the Joint ILO/ UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel, and David Edwards, Antonia Wulff, Jennifer Ulrick, Isma Benboulerbah and Sonia Grigt from Education International for their insightful feedback.

The report benefited from the drafting efforts of Judith Brady, Vaughan Connolly, Paola Garcia, Elaine Gerardine Wilson and the contribution of Sophie D’Angelo. Additionally, thanks are due to the background paper authors, whose research significantly informed the report’s analysis: Ibrahim Abdourhaman, Paula Alleyne, Paul Atherton, Stephanie Bengtsson, Laurette Bristol, Anna Conover, William C. Smith, Abdoulaye Diatta, Pablo Fraser, PhD, Christopher Henderson, Coreen J. Leacock, Samuel Joel Warrican, Verna Knight, Jari Lavonen, Cristóbal Madero, Alasdair Mackintosh, Alphonse Nagnon, Ananda Paudel, Natasa Pantić, Ana Paola Ramírez, Anna Persson, Justin C. Robinson, Padma Sarangapani, Andrea Veira and Susanne Wiborg.

Learn more and follow online: https://lnkd.in/eqJyZAce

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Ako Eyo Oku Ako is the Co-Founder and Chairman, Board of Trustees of Eureka Learners Foundation. She has over 20 years of experience in both public service and civil society engagement. She is an alumnus of a number of international fellowships and youth leadership programs. Ako is passionate about Lifelong Learning, Capacity Building and Positive Social Impact.