Watch : Nursery Rhymes Vol 1 - Collection of Twenty Rhymes

Hello friends,
Here are 20 rhymes for children.
(Recommended for parents/guardians, older siblings, or teachers to guide their children/wards or pupils.)
Watch here:
There are 20 rhymes in this video. This is the list:
1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
2. Ding Dong Bell
3. Goosey Goosey Gander
4. Hickory Dickory Dock
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. Humpty Dumpty
7. Eencey Weencey Spider
8. Jack and Jill
9. Johny Johny
10. Little Jack Horner
11. Little Miss Muffet
12. London Bridge
13. Mary Had A Little Lamb
14. 1,2 Buckle My Shoe
15. Pussy Cat Pussy cat
16. Rain Rain Go Away
17. Ring - A - Ring - A - Roses
18. Three Blind Mice
19. Twinkle Twinkle
20. Yankee Doodle
Questions to ask after watching:
1. Did you love the rhymes?
2. What did you learn from them?
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